Saturday, August 28, 2010

And for the Week

This week is considered hell week, basing on the fact that we were able to go through the whole excruciating dry-runs and whatnots to push ourselves to passing. I give myself a pat on the back for making it.

I am aware that Marius is now puffing with pride. Haha.

And yet there were some who didn't-and couldn't-make the cut. Some of them were good friends of mine, unfortunately.

And life goes on.

It was about Wednesday that I didn't do anything the whole day but reflect. I realized how blessed I was amidst the roller coaster syndrome of how things went around me. The world has gone berserk, yet we always have to keep in mind that it is in the simple things that we find how lucky we are.

Enough of the "major-major" drama. In my opinion, the pageant answer was a boo-boo. How Ms. Raj responded to the question was pretty far-fetched. A pain in the ears. Annoying.

And yet let's still give her the benefit of the doubt. Not everybody was there in front of the whole world to know how it feels like.

What I cannot accept is the group picture in front of the alleged tourist bus that was used for the hostage drama. What were these ladies effing thinking?! That they'll be all over facebook, tagging their poor, insensitive faces on pictures of such which captions such as "sa harap ng bus na ginamit sa hostage taking. jEjEjE..."

Assholes. I have to admit that that was an assholic move there. You want me to crawl into a hole and deny my Pinoy existence.

Anyways, I am still happy amidst assholic people here and there.

Sure has to be sal-and-pepper strewn, I guess.

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