Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Good Day, Little Miss Cling-Wrap

I soo hate myself for being one.

When will the stupidity end. When I'm 30? When I'm wrinkly? For crying out loud, I don't want to be clingy anymore. Sometimes I consider myself an asswipe already. When these fathermuckers start forgetting you, you feel as if you have to do something to make yourself the center of their universe.

But I've never liked the attention. The occasional limelight's fine, but smothering ?!  Eew. Get a life.

I've been tempted for the past 2 weeks to get a book I found pretty interesting, Why Men Love Bitches. The only time I become one is when I don't get what I want, traffic, humid weather, bad manners. I can't be one for the longest time. My male friends, including Marius has taught me the one thing that can make a man go down on his knees: don't care.

Taena naman kase, napaka-caring mo Nikki. Fcuk.

Going back to the book, the title is worth slapping in my face for not being a bitch enough. And yet I am tempted to buy it, still.

When I find the need to do so.

Regarding the bookworm bull, I have my sumpong again. From milk cartons to ketchup labels and receipts, I couldn't stop reading again. In search of the perfect, satiating book once again.

Desperately seeking a way out.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Good Morning World. It's About Time I Started To Get Up.

Ian lost his dog, Carlos.

For a girl who's cried over so many dogs, I know that one "I'm sorry" wouldn't bring your dog back. I know for a fact that either Nacho or Osbourne wouldn't be around for the long haul, but I love them both to the full extremity of whatever bullcrap falls under the word love.

Mental note: Must love dogs.

On the lighter side, I have decided to do the unthinkable: take the chance of flying. Gah. It wouldn't make the world go round, seriously. But the mere thought of it hits two birds with one stone. Because I seriously, desperately, want to go back to school. I'll be blue, I know I will. I'll leave my parents and my siblings and HamHam and everybody I love back here while I open my email during lunch breaks to get a lot of "bilin mail". I can just see it.

But the consoling happiness even if you're miles apart from them is that no matter what changes would occur while you're gone; when you get back, they'll still love you for being you.

*sniff sniff*

Run, not-so-skinny, run. I can't believe for the longest time I cannot seem to find the slightest trace of abs. Forget it.

Yes, I am happy. Funny how you make me feel like a schoolgirl when I really don't need to feel like one. :)