Monday, October 25, 2010

*Win Some, Lose Some*

Well, things don't always turn out the way they're supposed to be.

Or how you expect them to be. Nevertheless, life must go on.

I have missed work for a week and now am ready to kick ass. A la back with a vengeance.

I have been very much underestimated, with the fact that people create their own set of rules as if they're parliament or something.

Unfortunate for them, they are now trash to me. If  I do not get this one simple request that they can so much grant the tenured majority, then it'll be time to pack my bags anytime soon.

Marius doesn't really like the idea of "hopping".. Well, who does anyway. I hate hoppers as well. But I don't have a choice. It would be very very nice though if I get the darned move request.. I EFFING NEED IT.

There's a big difference between wanting and needing. This is a need. And I need to take matters in my own hands, not letting some pa-bitch ruin the need for it.


Life goes on.

Off to looking forward to the second October. ü

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