I've been sick for the remainder of 2012 that I hardly noticed that my health was cascading downhill - and the only thing I had in mind was stress.
Well, easy for me to say. I had to have myself checked before I figured that it was something worse. There was a calcification in my right kidney, an almost-kidney stone. Doctor said that it was due to my negligence of having to pee when needed, and not my diet. Heck, voiding wasn't hard, so never did I associate it with UTI.
But then again, in so many ways I am thankful; because it could've been worse.
The same goes with Walter. We were under the impression that he acquired hernia, only to find out that he had a pigsa that didn't even look like one; given that it didn't ripen it looked like a regular lump. But he was in so much pain, so much that it made me cry. Funny though, he was the one confined when he was the stronger one. Haha. ☺
As of today I am relishing one of my last few days off at work. I thought 65 days of work would reap benefits, I was wrong. I got a merry mix of friends and problems, all worthwhile.
Although the holidays came and went in one clean sweep, I am, as far as I can tell, am happy. I really am. Amidst so much hardships, so much pain, God has kept me afloat - He managed to shower me with blessings, known and in disguise. I cannot say that 2012 has been mean to me, and neither can I say that it has been good - but I am thankful, I really am. For 365 days filled with lessons and experiences.
Here's one of the few pictures taken while Walter was confined. This was the time that I was recovering from UTI. We managed to look after one another, we managed to be happy.We may not have welcomed the new year with a bang, but we've proven ourselves that through thick and thin, happy and sad, sick or not, we can make it.
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