Monday, June 13, 2011

Good Morning World. It's About Time I Started To Get Up.

Ian lost his dog, Carlos.

For a girl who's cried over so many dogs, I know that one "I'm sorry" wouldn't bring your dog back. I know for a fact that either Nacho or Osbourne wouldn't be around for the long haul, but I love them both to the full extremity of whatever bullcrap falls under the word love.

Mental note: Must love dogs.

On the lighter side, I have decided to do the unthinkable: take the chance of flying. Gah. It wouldn't make the world go round, seriously. But the mere thought of it hits two birds with one stone. Because I seriously, desperately, want to go back to school. I'll be blue, I know I will. I'll leave my parents and my siblings and HamHam and everybody I love back here while I open my email during lunch breaks to get a lot of "bilin mail". I can just see it.

But the consoling happiness even if you're miles apart from them is that no matter what changes would occur while you're gone; when you get back, they'll still love you for being you.

*sniff sniff*

Run, not-so-skinny, run. I can't believe for the longest time I cannot seem to find the slightest trace of abs. Forget it.

Yes, I am happy. Funny how you make me feel like a schoolgirl when I really don't need to feel like one. :)

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