Thursday, January 20, 2011

For Want of a Nail

I cannot believe I had to wait a decade just to get a seat.

When you see this sign:

Please limit your internet usage to 30 minutes. There could be a long queue behind you, people waiting for their turn. Thank you.
Is it so hard to understand? It being free doesn't mean that you can get happy meals every now and then. Duh.

People. Hmf.

I want to write and write and write some more. Is it just here that I can do it? Nah. If I can send to every phony that tries to place a call with us how I think they suck and what they do sucks and their grammar can send them to hell, I could've. We-hell, this is just me speaking. >:D

I will tread the McDonald's-Home trail as often as possible. I don't care if it takes me forever but I'm doing it. Blah.

I cannot finish 1984 because its content is too much to handle, especially when you want to forget sometimes how mean the world could be.

And to quote my friend Joseph's post:

It was written nowhere in your birth certificate that life would be fair.

So I'm having fun. So far.ü

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