Tuesday, September 27, 2011


So where were we?

Oh yes, pardon. Now I remember.

In the middle of heaven and earth.

Can we call that "heaven" as well? Having all the reasons to have a piece of heaven is just, well, blissful.

Thank You Lord for all the little pieces of happiness you give me here and there.ü

You Fall for the Guy or Girl Next Door Type

You think that people make love too complicated, and what you want in a partner happens to be pretty simple.
You're content with someone who's nice, attractive, honest, and normal. So how come that's so hard to find?

You are fairly traditional, and you value security in relationships more than most people. It's important for you to find someone loyal.
When you find the right person, you don't expect much from him or her. You're just happy to be together.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Good morning, sunshine. You make my eyebags dazzle.

For want of a book, sleep is lost. For want of sleep, sanity is lost.

I desperately want to get a book. A new book. Whatever it takes to get me inside a darned bookstore as long as I get one. Reading hiatus can make me feel like a dumbass, seriously. Haha. :p

Are we talking about a new book as in book? Or is it just Kikomachine Komix that you want, love? :))

I am now this zombie so early in the morning.

I love you. I hate you. I love you. I hate you. I dunno what you're here for but thank you. You're my daily dose of sunshine and you don't even know it. :)

"If you know so much better, then why are you here now?"

Friday, September 9, 2011

You smile a lot lately. Tell me, why?

Now there, there, sweetheart. You need happy pills.

So there you were, minding your own business until you found one stash of it.

It was fine, it did take effect.

And now, you're starting to get hooked.

If there are any side effects, that, you have to watch out for.

You don't really know if the happy pills are good for you, or if they're just placebo pills.

Be patient, sit still and let's see.

As mentioned earlier, you DO need happy pills.

Now, it's giving you an extraordinary high. :)